Startup for Good
Passion for Purpose
Create Shared Value
- Information & Advice for New Ventures
- Startup Tools & Services
- Purpose Driven Founder Insights
- Inspiring Reflections on Entrepreneurship
- Startup Books & Directories
e-Books for Purpose Driven Startups
Founders Stay Afloat:
By Tracking 25 Vital Facts and Figures
By Tracking 25 Vital Facts and Figures
By tracking 25 vital facts & figures is basically a handbook that helps founders keep their fingers on the business pulse.
Founders Are Storytellers:
Be Convincing Wherever You Are
Be Convincing Wherever You Are
Startup storytelling is the most effective form of communication available to the entrepreneur for all audiences.
Founders Stay Afloat:
By Tracking 25 Vital Facts and Figures
By Tracking 25 Vital Facts and Figures
By tracking 25 vital facts & figures is basically a handbook that helps founders keep their fingers on the business pulse.
Founders Are Storytellers:
Be Convincing Wherever You Are
Be Convincing Wherever You Are
Startup storytelling is the most effective form of communication available to the entrepreneur for all audiences.
Resources for Purpose Driven Startup Entrepreneurs
Startup Tools
Startup Tools to help set strategy for purpose driven startup and make effective decisions. There are also practical tools to guide leadership challenges, problem analysis and performance monitoring. The startup tools will save you time and energy. Try them—they’re free.
Founder Insights
Founder Insights present ideas about what it takes to create purpose driven startups. They cover critical issues that confront every intentional entrepreneur. Save yourself time and stress; check out Insights on functions including marketing, sales and finance.
Helpful Directories
Helpful Directories, like funding for female founders, corporate venture capital, equity crowdfunding and more. Also directories of business incubators, maker spaces and other services—to ease the path to successful purpose driven startups.
Inspiring Reflections
Inspiring Reflections on startup practice, especially issues faced by founders of purpose driven startups, as well as how to deal with them. Help to meet the challenges for the future of entrepreneurship and changing the world for the better.
Founder Services
Even busy, cash-strapped founders find they can perform many of the tasks offered by professional firms. When you’re strapped for cash, you can get similar services on line or through SaaS. Here you will find vetted suggestions for many common and essential Founder Services.
Startup Books
Startup Books can be a boon for business founders. They can be inspirational, and/or huge time savers but these and other ‘how to’ books can often stop you reinventing the wheel. They are also available at minimal cost.
Advice for Purpose Driven Startups
Startup Mentoring
$199 a month
Improve Chances of Purpose Driven Startup Success
- Will has mentored many like you
- Inspires you by firm questioning
- Appreciative feedback on your thinking
- Guides you to discover priorities

Business Plan Review
Outside Insight on Your Purpose Driven Startup Strategy
- Review of draft business plan in 7 days
- Sympathetic outsider on key parts of the plan
- Dialog with Will who’s ‘been there, done that’
- Leads to more effective final plan

Build Your Business Model
Reduce the Risk of Failure of Your Purpose Driven Startup
- Founder works with Will for creative energy
- Create a Business Model Canvas
- Share with associates for synergy
- Final draft has gained strength

Startup Mentoring
$199 a month
Improve Your Chance of Success
- Will has mentored many like you
- Inspires you by firm questioning
- Appreciative feedback on your thinking
- Guides you to discover priorities
Business Plan Review
Outside Insight on Your Strategy
- Review of draft business plan in 7 days
- Sympathetic outsider on key parts of the plan
- Dialog with Will who’s ‘been there, done that’
- Leads to more effective final plan
Build Your Business Model
Reduce the Risk of Failure
- Founder works with Will for creative energy
- Create a Business Model Canvas
- Share with associates for synergy
- Final draft has gained strength