Insights for Founders
Insights for Founders: These Insights present ideas about what it takes to start a venture and the different issues of entrepreneurship. They are filled with information as well as commentary on how to address the issues. Take a look at the whole list and see what may either spark your interest or cover an issue that you confront. New Venture Founders Insights are being prepared all the time on topics that I think are important and/or timely.
Some Insights are short and more inspirational, while others are full of detailed information and references that can be followed up. They are in six broad categories of importance to all entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurship; Leadership; Strategy; Outside Help; Marketing; Finance; and People.
In the spirit of community, please do make contact and suggest topics which you consider important to include in the future.
- Startups for Good Choose Words on Purpose Strategic Glossary for Entrepreneurs on a Mission
- Startup—Small Is Beautiful Extractive or Productive
- Startup Citizenship Enterprise & Common Good
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Startups Shared Values Have Business Benefits
- Startup Ecosystem—the Big Picture Outcomes Not Outputs
- Outward Bound to Startup Experience Enlivens Entrepreneurs
- Inclusive Entrepreneurship The Missing Venture Founders
- Ethical Entrepreneurship Respect and Responsibility Are Strategic
- Support for Entrepreneurs with Disability Entrepreneurship Resources and Special Programs
- Ableist Entrepreneurs Disadvantage Themselves Make Startup Life Easier and Better
- Startup Business With Disability Entrepreneurship is Inclusive
- Startups Need Data Focus On Vital Information
- Entrepreneurial Altruism Save One Starfish
- Practice Makes Purpose Entrepreneurial Passion Delivers
- Startup Purpose Benefit All Stakeholders
- Coworking for Entrepreneurs: 12 Benefits Community, Contacts & Cost
- Startup Consciously Brainstorm Beyond Business
- Purpose Driven Startups Challenge Accepted Wisdom
- Entrepreneur Anxiety Founders Transform 20 Tough Challenges
- Startup to Flourish Relational Plans Make Business Plans Work
- Startup Spirit Two Fictionalized Entrepreneurship Stories
- Co-opetition Benefits for Partners and Customers
- Sailing to Startup Success Keep Your New Venture Balanced
- Grassroots Startup Barriers Identifying Ways to Support Rural Startups
- Being an Entrepreneur 10 Reflections on What It Takes
- Buddhist Economics All People Matter
- Entrepreneur Perception & Intuition Founders See What Others Do Not
- Startup Founders Firepower Entrepreneurs with Purpose Take a Stand
- Community Round: Let Thousands Invest in Your Startup Customers, Friends & Supporters at the Same Time as Angels & VCs
- Fast or Firm Growth Growth Startups Can Be Lemons or Pearls
- Startup Passion and Delight Shoeshine Solopreneur's Secret
- Startups Change the World Activism in business is moving the dial
- Entrepreneurial Mindfulness Being—Striving—Thriving
- Small Town Startup 35 Million Rural Americans Consider They Could Start a Business
- Purpose Driven Startup Coherence Lesson from ‘Big Pharma’
- Nearsourcing Advantages of Costa Rica
- Purpose Driven ‘Teco-preneur’ Opportunities on Route 176 in New Mexico and Texas
- Surprising Countries for Entrepreneurs Costa Rica and Botswana
- Flourish Honorably Business Purpose and Moral Fiber
- Equity Crowdfunding from Friends and Family from Jonny Price, VP of Fundraising at Wefunder
- Entrepreneurs Are Builders Putting Things Together
- Small Entrepreneurs Have Global Impact Public/private partnerships are enablers
- Marketing for Purpose and Profit Purpose-driven startups marketing for superordinate goals
- Perception, Purpose and Persistence A model for purpose-driven startups
- Sustainability Benefits Your Startup and the World UN Sustainable Development Goals for Founders
- Remaking Capitalism Stakeholder, Not Shareholder Primacy
- Balanced Entrepreneurs Succeed Being While Doing
- Early Stage Funding How Little Cash Do You Need?
- Purposeful Startup Dazz—Bubbles with Intent
- Botswana Women’s Coworking Space A First for Sub-Saharan Africa
- Equity Crowdfunding for Purposeful Startups Wefunder is the Best Way to Raise Equity Capital by Entrepreneurs on a Mission
- Profits and Purpose Benefits of Doing Social Good
- Opportunities for Purposeful Startups Critical issues as a shared value for new ventures
- Side Business to Startup Safe way to learn what works before launching the new venture
- Successful Startup Behaviors Match Purpose Founders Can Learn From Corporate Deceit
- Mailbox Storyboard Startup MBA Student Combines Digital & Analog for Greeting Cards by Mail
- Startups Build a Better World Corporate Cross-border Cooperation
- Smart Technology 10 Design Implications for Founders
- Re-Startup Founders of New Ventures in the Loop Economy
- Rewriting the Rules of Business Founders Lead the Way, Without Waiting for Politicians
- Opportunity Gap Business founders need people with curiosity and concern for the world
- Founder Team Balance Avoid Gender Stereotypes
- Create and Build Something From Nothing But How?
- Hemp Entrepreneurs A neglected natural fiber has a growing future
- Entrepreneur Types A Founders Alphabet
- New Venture Creation—the Timmons Model Opportunity is the Driver of Startups
- Behaviors of Successful Founders Essence of What it Takes to Be the Founder of a New Venture
- Non-entrepreneurial Mind Founder Characteristics That May Prevent Startup Survival
- Spin Out Startup Hidden Entrepreneurs Come Out and Flourish
- Exit Strategy by ESOP or Co-op Creative Ways for Founders to Sell Their Startups
- Entrepreneur Personality Know Your Own Preferred Way of Being and Appreciate Others
- Reducing Risk to Startup Safely Successful Entrepreneurs Know How to Deal with the Downside
- Startup B-Words Lots to Learn from Single Words
- Startup—Small Is Beautiful Extractive or Productive
- Startup Citizenship Enterprise & Common Good
- Startup Ecosystem—the Big Picture Outcomes Not Outputs
- Startups Need Data Focus On Vital Information
- Entrepreneurial Altruism Save One Starfish
- Startup Consciously Brainstorm Beyond Business
- Purpose Driven Startups Challenge Accepted Wisdom
- Startup to Flourish Relational Plans Make Business Plans Work
- Co-opetition Benefits for Partners and Customers
- Startup Founders Firepower Entrepreneurs with Purpose Take a Stand
- Fast or Firm Growth Growth Startups Can Be Lemons or Pearls
- Small Town Startup 35 Million Rural Americans Consider They Could Start a Business
- Purpose Driven Startup Coherence Lesson from ‘Big Pharma’
- Purpose Driven ‘Teco-preneur’ Opportunities on Route 176 in New Mexico and Texas
- Surprising Countries for Entrepreneurs Costa Rica and Botswana
- Are CEOs Worth 351 Times the Median Pay? Shared Values, not Share Values
- Stakeholder Business Thrives Tripartite Thought and Action Works
- Remaking Capitalism Stakeholder, Not Shareholder Primacy
- Purposeful Startup Dazz—Bubbles with Intent
- Profits and Purpose Benefits of Doing Social Good
- Blooming Beauty Business B Corporations Lead the Way
- Startup Strategy Right Actions at the Right Time
- Creeping Disruption Startups Need to Be Aware of Many Innovations in So Many Fields
- Vision Statement A Perilous Way to Set Strategy
- Business Plan Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Make Sure You Hit the Target: Get Feedback and Sharpen Your Aim
- Startups for Good Choose Words on Purpose Strategic Glossary for Entrepreneurs on a Mission
- Startup Ecosystem—the Big Picture Outcomes Not Outputs
- Outward Bound to Startup Experience Enlivens Entrepreneurs
- Ethical Entrepreneurship Respect and Responsibility Are Strategic
- Ableist Entrepreneurs Disadvantage Themselves Make Startup Life Easier and Better
- Entrepreneurial Altruism Save One Starfish
- Co-opetition Benefits for Partners and Customers
- Startup Founders Firepower Entrepreneurs with Purpose Take a Stand
- Startups Change the World Activism in business is moving the dial
- Purpose Driven Startup Coherence Lesson from ‘Big Pharma’
- Flourish Honorably Business Purpose and Moral Fiber
- Are CEOs Worth 351 Times the Median Pay? Shared Values, not Share Values
- New Business Normal Ventures Will Mutate
- Say the Customer’s Name Lessons for Startups
- Opportunities for Purposeful Startups Critical issues as a shared value for new ventures
- Startups and Sockpuppets Founders Beware Blindly Trusting All Internet Identities
- Founder Compassion Passion Drives Your Venture, Compassion Defines It
- Rewriting the Rules of Business Founders Lead the Way, Without Waiting for Politicians
- Staffing a Startup How to Make the Best Decisions on Hiring and Lead the Venture Where You Want it to Go
- Entrepreneurial Empathy Founders Set the Character and Ethics of the New Venture by the Way They Behave
- Outward Bound to Startup Experience Enlivens Entrepreneurs
- Support for Entrepreneurs with Disability Entrepreneurship Resources and Special Programs
- Directory of Funding for Female Founders—USA Growing Sources of Finance for Women-led Startups
- Grassroots Startup Barriers Identifying Ways to Support Rural Startups
- Dangers of Startup Mentors Mentors Can Be Hugely Beneficial, but the Relationship Has Risks, too
- Nearsourcing Advantages of Costa Rica
- Exit Strategy by ESOP or Co-op Creative Ways for Founders to Sell Their Startups
- Staffing a Startup How to Make the Best Decisions on Hiring and Lead the Venture Where You Want it to Go
- Startup Workshops Refine Your Ideas and Be Stimulated by Fellow Learners
- Loans from Family and Friends How They Work and the Necessary Paperwork
- Startup Mentor Checklist Make Sure of Getting Value from the Relationship
- Customer Respect "Due to a Higher Than Usual Call Volume..."
- Co-opetition Benefits for Partners and Customers
- Public Contracts for Small Business Big Revenue for Entrepreneurs
- Nearsourcing Advantages of Costa Rica
- Marketing for Purpose and Profit Purpose-driven startups marketing for superordinate goals
- Logo for Startups Founders Should Choose a Logo with Great Care
- Startup Storyboarding Get Your New Venture's Message Across Effectively
- Customer Lifetime Model Ensure High Customer Value and Low Customer Acquisition Costs Over Time
- Directory of Funding for Female Founders—USA Growing Sources of Finance for Women-led Startups
- Bootstrap Startup Finance Expediency That Helps Keep the Business Lean
- Small Profits and Quick Returns Twelve Ways for Early Startup Survival
- Community Round: Let Thousands Invest in Your Startup Customers, Friends & Supporters at the Same Time as Angels & VCs
- Small Town Startup 35 Million Rural Americans Consider They Could Start a Business
- Equity Crowdfunding from Friends and Family from Jonny Price, VP of Fundraising at Wefunder
- Funding the Benefit Sector At the Intersection of the Social (nonprofit), Private (business), or Public (government) Sectors
- Sources of Startup Finance The obvious & not-so-obvious ways to fund the startup
- Early Stage Funding How Little Cash Do You Need?
- Airline Share Buybacks Disrespect for the Community
- Equity Crowdfunding for Purposeful Startups Wefunder is the Best Way to Raise Equity Capital by Entrepreneurs on a Mission
- Family Offices and Venture Capital Founders Overlook a Source of Funding
- Exit Strategy by ESOP or Co-op Creative Ways for Founders to Sell Their Startups
- Sweat Equity Value is in the Eye of the Beholder—the Seller or the Buyer
- Expansion or Extension Stretch a Bit, Strengthen a Lot
People Are The Business
- Startup Citizenship Enterprise & Common Good
- Inclusive Entrepreneurship The Missing Venture Founders
- Ethical Entrepreneurship Respect and Responsibility Are Strategic
- Dangers of Startup Mentors Mentors Can Be Hugely Beneficial, but the Relationship Has Risks, too
- Entrepreneurial Mindfulness Being—Striving—Thriving
- Funding the Benefit Sector At the Intersection of the Social (nonprofit), Private (business), or Public (government) Sectors
- Burn the Business Plan A Review of Carl Schramm's Book
- Say the Customer’s Name Lessons for Startups
- Successful Startup Behaviors Match Purpose Founders Can Learn From Corporate Deceit
- Non-entrepreneurial Mind Founder Characteristics That May Prevent Startup Survival
- Staffing a Startup How to Make the Best Decisions on Hiring and Lead the Venture Where You Want it to Go
- Entrepreneurial Empathy Founders Set the Character and Ethics of the New Venture by the Way They Behave
- Entrepreneur Personality Know Your Own Preferred Way of Being and Appreciate Others
- Team Behavior Building Start with Demonstrating Desired Behavior
Startup with Purpose
- Startups for Good Choose Words on Purpose Strategic Glossary for Entrepreneurs on a Mission
- Startup—Small Is Beautiful Extractive or Productive
- Inclusive Entrepreneurship The Missing Venture Founders
- Entrepreneurial Altruism Save One Starfish
- Mission Driven and Purpose Capital Directory—USA Seed & Venture Capital Committed to Social Progress
- Practice Makes Purpose Entrepreneurial Passion Delivers
- Startup Purpose Benefit All Stakeholders
- Strategy and Interdependence Critical for the Startup
- Startup Consciously Brainstorm Beyond Business
- Purpose Driven Startups Challenge Accepted Wisdom
- Startup Books—for Purpose Driven Entrepreneurs Learn Quickly and Cheaply—from Books
- Make Meaning Method How to Determine Meaning for Startup
- Benefit Entrepreneur Avoid Greed, Hatred and Delusion
- Buddhist Economics All People Matter
- Entrepreneurial Mindfulness Being—Striving—Thriving
- Systemic Social Enterprise Awareness of Interdependence Leads to Social Change
- Flourish Honorably Business Purpose and Moral Fiber
- Funding the Benefit Sector At the Intersection of the Social (nonprofit), Private (business), or Public (government) Sectors
- Marketing for Purpose and Profit Purpose-driven startups marketing for superordinate goals
- Stakeholder Strategy Evaluation Tool Facilitate a Challenging Planning Process
- Remaking Capitalism Stakeholder, Not Shareholder Primacy
- Mindful Work Many Positive Consequences Arise from Meditation, Especially for Entrepreneurs
- Airline Share Buybacks Disrespect for the Community
- Equity Crowdfunding for Purposeful Startups Wefunder is the Best Way to Raise Equity Capital by Entrepreneurs on a Mission
- Profits and Purpose Benefits of Doing Social Good
- Company and Community Wise enterprises invest in their communities
- Successful Startup Behaviors Match Purpose Founders Can Learn From Corporate Deceit
- Rewriting the Rules of Business Founders Lead the Way, Without Waiting for Politicians
- Movement for Business Purpose Entrepreneurs Impact Multinationals
- Staffing a Startup How to Make the Best Decisions on Hiring and Lead the Venture Where You Want it to Go
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Startups for Good Choose Words on Purpose Strategic Glossary for Entrepreneurs on a Mission
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Startups Shared Values Have Business Benefits
- Startup Ecosystem—the Big Picture Outcomes Not Outputs
- Inclusive Entrepreneurship The Missing Venture Founders
- Support for Entrepreneurs with Disability Entrepreneurship Resources and Special Programs
- Ableist Entrepreneurs Disadvantage Themselves Make Startup Life Easier and Better
- Startup Business With Disability Entrepreneurship is Inclusive
- Directory of Funding for Female Founders—USA Growing Sources of Finance for Women-led Startups
- Entrepreneurial Altruism Save One Starfish
- Mission Driven and Purpose Capital Directory—USA Seed & Venture Capital Committed to Social Progress
- Startup Spirit Two Fictionalized Entrepreneurship Stories
- Bootstrap Startup Finance Expediency That Helps Keep the Business Lean
- Grassroots Startup Barriers Identifying Ways to Support Rural Startups
- Buddhist Economics All People Matter
- Funding the Benefit Sector At the Intersection of the Social (nonprofit), Private (business), or Public (government) Sectors
- Botswana Women’s Coworking Space A First for Sub-Saharan Africa
- Loans from Family and Friends How They Work and the Necessary Paperwork
Female Founders
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Startups Shared Values Have Business Benefits
- Inclusive Entrepreneurship The Missing Venture Founders
- Directory of Funding for Female Founders—USA Growing Sources of Finance for Women-led Startups
- Mission Driven and Purpose Capital Directory—USA Seed & Venture Capital Committed to Social Progress
- Practice Makes Purpose Entrepreneurial Passion Delivers
- Startup Spirit Two Fictionalized Entrepreneurship Stories
- Sailing to Startup Success Keep Your New Venture Balanced
- Botswana Women’s Coworking Space A First for Sub-Saharan Africa
- Founder Team Balance Avoid Gender Stereotypes